PO re-price issue in BAPI_PO_CHANGE. BAPI_PO_CHANGE is utilized for re-estimating the Buy Request. The computation type CALCTYPE ought to be set to ‘B’ (signifying ‘Complete new valuing’) and PRICEDATE ought to be set to ‘3’ (signifying ‘Current Date’). Let’s delve deeper into the PO re-price issue in BAPI_PO_CHANGE.
Code snippet
Data: li_bapiitem TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitem, li_bapiitemx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapimepoitemx. FIELD-SYMBOLS : TYPE EKPO. lk_bapiitem-po_item = -ebelp. lk_bapiitem-calctype = 'B'. " Reprice it lk_bapiitem-pricedate = '3'. " Reprice it based on current date APPEND lk_bapiitem TO li_bapiitem. lk_bapiitemx-po_item = -ebelp. lk_bapiitemx-calctype = ‘X’. lk_bapiitemx-pricedate = ‘X’. lk_bapiitemx-po_itemx = ‘X’. APPEND lk_bapiitemx TO li_bapiitemx. * Change condition price using BAPI_PO_CHANGE CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_CHANGE' EXPORTING purchaseorder = -ebeln " PO number TABLES return = li_return " For return messages poitem = li_bapiitem " PO Line item poitemx = li_bapiitemx. " PO Item data change parameter.
Issue with re-valuing
The above code ought to turn out great. In any case, in the event that the re-estimating doesn’t occur with the ongoing date data, rather the re-valuing is being done in light of PO creation date, then you want to actually look at the arrangement (displayed beneath).
Underlying driver
There is a design setting which ought to be changed.
SPRO — Material Administration >Purchasing->Purchase Request >Define Screen Format at Archive Level->ME21N->Quantity and Value >Field (Estimating date control).
Here we can set, whether the Valuing information control fields can be placed and changed by client or not. The Select. section check box ought to be actually looked at for the BAPI to work. In any event, for manual re-estimating this Pick. section check box ought to be checked.
Correct configuration setting
With the above setting, the PO T-code looks like beneath. Check the Pr.Date Feline and Value Date is accessible in Condition Control Tab. This is the right arrangement for BAPI to work. In any event, for manual re-estimating to happen for current date, these two fields ought to be noticeable.
Highlight Recall
In the future, the Bapi ‘BAPI_PO_CHANGE’, isn’t re-valuing the PO accurately, in stead of with nothing to do in troubleshooting, search for the above said arrangement and make sense of the underlying driver.
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