Add custom fields in standard MIRO header screen through BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01

Add custom fields in standard MIRO header screen through BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01

Add custom fields in standard MIRO header screen through BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01. Here, I would tell the best way to add custom fields in the standard SAP MIRO header screen utilizing BADI ‘BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01’.

Recompense and Seller Receipt IDoc number are the two custom fields included MIRO header.

BADI implementation steps and configuration of custom subscreen:

1) Execution of this BADI BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01 is bit interesting. We need to make one custom execution to add the new custom fields (SAP has given model executions to our reference). There are two techniques PUT_DATA_TO_SCREEN_OBJECT and GET_DATA_FROM_SCREEN_OBJECT to put and get information to and from MIRO screen.

2) We need to arrange Subscreens for the new custom fields.

Go to the Subscreens Tab in the made Execution.

The Subscreen region section program ought to be SUBBAS01(check the model execution for reference). The Program called segment program ‘SAPLZO_CUSTOM_FIELD_IN_MIRO’ is custom module pool program which is a duplicate of standard SAP model program ‘SAPLBADI_EXAMPLE_FDCB_BAS’.

The Screen Number is 900 will hold the new custom fields, which is available in called program ‘SAPLZO_CUSTOM_FIELD_IN_MIRO’.

Append new custom fields:

Say the new fields are ZZ_ALLOWANCE and ZZ_IDOCNUM. Since these two fields are to be added to the MIRO header, we must be affix these fields into table RBKP, structures INVFO, ACMM_VENDOR_COMP (as displayed underneath). These designs and tables would be utilized in the BADI execution to add the new fields in the MIRO screen.

Code snippet to enhance the screen:

As referenced before, we need to make a module pool custom program and join as sub-screen. For the simplicity of improvement, we can duplicate the SAP standard program SAPLBADI_EXAMPLE_FDCB_BAS and make change in that program.

Eliminate the fields from the model screen and add the custom fields which we need to include MIRO.

The standard SAP model is adding Parts Number. We need to remark it and add our new custom fields as featured beneath.

Result of the above implementation:

With the above straightforward advances, you would have the option to upgrade the standard SAP MIRO screen.

The custom fields would be saved in the standard SAP table RBKP.


One of our peruser couldn’t save the information in RBKP table. He missed to add the code in the two strategies. Kindly check assuming that you likewise need to add rationale in the beneath techniques..


* fill interface attributes from importing paramters
me->if_ex_badi_fdcb_subbas01~invfo  = im_invfo.



* fill export parameters from interface attributes
ex_invfo  = me->if_ex_badi_fdcb_subbas01~invfo.




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