Auto Refresh ALV Using CL_GUI_TIMER

In SAP, the ALV grid is a powerful tool for displaying data. However, sometimes you may need to refresh the ALV grid automatically. This can be done using the CL_GUI_TIMER class.

The CL_GUI_TIMER class provides a way to schedule events to occur at regular intervals. This can be used to refresh the ALV grid at a specific frequency.

To use the CL_GUI_TIMER class, you first need to define a reference to the class. You can do this using the following code:


cl_gui_timer=>create( cl_gui_timer=>default_name ).

Once you have defined a reference to the class, you need to define an event handling method for the FINISHED event. This method is called when the timer has reached its interval.

The following code shows an example of an event handling method:


method cl_gui_timer~finished.
  refresh_table_display( g_alv_grid ).

This method simply calls the refresh_table_display method to refresh the ALV grid.

Finally, you need to set the interval for the timer and call the RUN method. The following code shows how to do this:


cl_gui_timer=>set_interval( cl_gui_timer=>interval_in_seconds ).
cl_gui_timer=>run( ).

The interval_in_seconds parameter specifies the frequency at which the timer will fire.

Once you have called the RUN method, the timer will start and the event handling method will be called at the specified interval.

Here is an example of how to use the CL_GUI_TIMER class to auto refresh an ALV grid:


report z_alv_auto_refresh.

  g_alv_grid type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid,
  g_timer type ref to cl_gui_timer.

method main.
  create_alv_grid( g_alv_grid ).
  create_timer( g_timer ).

  loop at g_alv_grid.
    insert line into g_alv_grid.

  refresh_table_display( g_alv_grid ).

  g_timer->set_interval( 3 ).
  g_timer->run( ).


method create_alv_grid.
  g_alv_grid = cl_gui_alv_grid=>create( ).
  g_alv_grid->set_grid_display_options( ).

method create_timer.
  g_timer = cl_gui_timer=>create( cl_gui_timer=>default_name ).
  g_timer->set_event_handler( cl_gui_timer~finished ).


This code creates an ALV grid and a timer. The timer is set to fire every 3 seconds. The event handling method simply refreshes the ALV grid.

To run this code, you can save it as a report and execute it in the SAP GUI.

I hope this blog post has helped you understand how to use the CL_GUI_TIMER class to auto refresh an ALV grid.

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