Business Workflow Series

SAP Business Workflow

Tutorials (“How-to-do”): –

Building a simple Workflow application using the steps “User Decision” and “Mail”. (Read blog)
Including Custom text in the step “User Decision (Read blog)
Creating a container element and using it in the step “Mail” (Read blog)
Using “Condition” step (Read blog)
Demo on Working with Step “Loop (Until)” (Read blog)
Using the Step “Form” in Workflow (Simple Example) (Read blog)
Triggering Event Programmatically (Read blog)
Understanding the “Advance with Dialog” Option of SAP Workflow (Read blog)
Deadline Monitoring: Working with Latest End and Requested Start (Read blog)
Dynamic Parallel Processing in Workflow (Read blog)
Personal Substitute for Workflow (Read blog)
Adoption of a Substitute (Read blog)
Notification of Work Items to an external email (Read blog)
Filtering the Work Items in the SAP Inbox (Read blog)
Adding Logo to the Work Item Preview(Read blog)
Tracing the Events Triggered During the Execution of a Transaction (Read blog)
Sending Recursive Mails Upon Reaching the Deadline Until the Task Is Completed (Read blog)
Ad Hoc agent assignment in Workflow (Read blog)
Trigger a Workflow to Send an Email Whenever a Material is Created (Read blog)
Defining Custom Rules to Use in Workflow Definition(Read blog)
Maintaining Translations for the Work Item Text and Outcome Name (Read blog)
Raising exceptions in a method and handling the same in the workflow (Read blog)
ALE – Error Handling Through Workflow (Read blog)
Using ABAP Classes in Workflow (Read blog)
Using Document Template in Workflow (Read blog)
Demo on Workflow Wizard (Read blog)
Steps to transport agent assignment from one system to another (Read blog)
Creating rules using Responsibilities (Read blog)
Using the “Start Conditions” in Workflow (Read blog)
Using “Check Function Module” in Workflow (Read blog)
Retrieving the Work Item Details of the Deleted Users (Read blog)
Transporting Organization structure from one system to another (Read blog)
Configuring Events for HR Workflow (Read blog)
Starting Workflow from Messages (Read blog)
Triggering Workflow using Business Transaction Events (Read blog)
Using Function Module Enhancement: Triggering of an event. (Read blog)
Passing a hyperlink in a Work item (Read blog)
Working with Business Objects (Read blog)
To instantiate any Business object in a Workflows (Read blog)
Document: Raising events based on changed. (Read blog)
Extended Notifications Configuration (Read blog)
Debugging SAP events (Read More)
Sending workflow notification to Requestor in HTML format (Read More)
Registering WEB DYNPRO/BSP Application with a Workflow Work item (Read More)
Working with Dynamic Task Submission in Workflow (Read More)
Archiving SAP Work items (Read More)
Delegate a Subtype to Supertype (Read More)
Demo on Workflow using Classes (Read More)
Sending multiple attachment in user decision step of workflow (Read More)
Demo on working with “Nested / SubWorkflows (Read More)
Call instance method from workflow using class (Read More)
Display Dynamic Attachments in Work Item in Workflow (Read More)
Modify the run-time value of workflow containers (Read More)
Capture Rejection Reason Text from User Decision in Workflow (Read More)
Process User Decisions Programmatically at Background (Read More)
Forward a work item to your own currently logged in SAP ID (Read More)
Simplified Business Workplace – Workflow Inbox in SAP R/3 (Read More)
Program Exits in Work Item for Workflow (Read More)
Consistency and Extended Checks for Workflow Templates and Tasks (Read More)
How to Trigger Class based workflows? (Read More)

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