Before going for Can you really restrict any developer from executing any t-code? We as a whole know this. The same old thing. However, considered sharing a story toward the finish of this post, so lets fabricate the plot..
Premise and Security set up certain jobs to keep designers from getting to specific exchange. Yet, would they say they are truly effective in their main goal?
‘/h’ is the most deadliest apparatus in an engineer’s munititions stockpile. Designer generally sort out a method for getting to the prohibited exchange.
There are multiple ways of breaking the exchange limitation job, yet I tracked down FM ‘ALINK_CALL_TRANSACTION’ the most helpful one. Involving this FM as displayed beneath, you can execute practically every one of the exchanges (except if there are extraordinary staggered security). Can you really restrict any developer from executing any t-code?
Check, I don’t have approval to t-code ‘RZ11’.
Along these lines, I intend to utilize FM ‘ALINK_CALL_TRANSACTION’. Put a break point after the ‘AUTHORITY_CHECK_TCODE’ call.
Execute the FM and give the t-code you need to execute.
The debugger stops after power check.
Change the sy-subrc value to ‘1’. I emphasize, it is NOT ‘0’ but ‘1’.
Press F8 / Execute.
Here you are in the t-code ‘RZ11’.. Appreciate!!!
Note: Kindly utilize such deceives judiously and morally.
A genuine story from history
On the sixteenth day of July, in the mid year of 2010, a lot of 9; youthful, focused and remarkable SAP Specialized people were marked as Programmers and casually moved off from a task. The explanation expressed was: Engineers utilized an exchanges which they didn’t have approval to. Also, the most ludicrous thing: it was all in Non Creation framework.
Something worth mulling over: On the off chance that engineers don’t utilize ‘/h’ or potentially troubleshooting strategy in Non Creation, then, at that point, would they say they are truly designers?
This post is committed to those 9 Samaritans..
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