Efficient way to retrieve Open Sales Order using FM SD_SELECT_SALES_DOCUMENTS. Commonly, we want to remove all open deals requests (or citations/requests and so on) till date for some specific material and plant mix in the situation and do some control and show some report. Since we have material and plant close by, so as proposed by SAP notes we go to table VAPMA (Deals File: Request Things by Material) to get the orders and afterward we hit VBUK (Deals Archive: Header Status and Managerial Information) table or VBAKUK (Deals Report Header and Status Information) view and afterward to VBUP and VBAP to get the open requests (for example those orders whose status is unfinished).
Ordinarily in genuine creation box, the request detail table has a large number of records and on the off chance that we attempt to hit this table VAPMA without all the keys (with simply Material and Plant), it will seriously stir things up around town of the program. Let’s go into Efficient way to retrieve Open Sales Order using FM SD_SELECT_SALES_DOCUMENTS.
SD_SELECT_SALES_DOCUMENTS is a standard SAP function module to list all orders/quotations/inquiries etc. It returns all type of orders. Standard SAP transactions VA05N / VA15N / VA25N / VA35N / VA45N uses this FM to show the list of Sales Orders / Inquiries / Quotations / Schedule Agreements / Contracts respectively.
Instead of hitting the tables VAPMA –> VBUK/VBAKUK –> VBUP and then VBAP, using SAP standard function module SD_SELECT_SALES_DOCUMENTS is the better alternative.
Utilizing this FM, in our ongoing task, we worked on the exhibition of one of our connection point from a day and a half all out run chance to only 450 second in the Quality framework which had more than 68 million deals request details in VBAP table.
This FM can be utilized for Requests, Requests, Citations, Agreement and so on.
iv_trvog = ‘0’ (0/1/2/3/4 for orders/inquiry/quotation/sch agreement/contract)
iv_vboff = ‘X’ (X for Open Orders, for all Orders send IV_VBOFF blank)
t_vbmtv = i_final_orders (This table returns the Orders)
i_vkorg_rt = i_vkorg
i_auart_rt = r_orders_type
i_matnr_rt = s_matnr
i_werks_rt = s_werks.
1) We don’t have to hit numerous tables to get the open requests.
2) The presentation is further developed drastically.Benefits:
Upadate: The use of the above FM makes ABAPer’s life more straightforward. Yet, FM likewise has loads of chooses inside (which are execution serious), which can be abstained from by making a covering FM or thinking of some streamlined chooses. This would have positive effect in the exhibition.
Of late, I have quit utilizing this FM and beginning structure my own code by utilizing the rationale gave in the FM. Utilizing the FM alone was not execution powerful in lengthy run.
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