As per SAP news, SAP Upgrade Bundle 7 for SAP ERP 6.0 contains in excess of 750 business capabilities. The key new elements are SAP Fiori, MRP runs, and information maturing objects. SAP EhP7 is the main improvement bundle to be upgraded for both the SAP HANA data set and the conventional affirmed data sets.
As a no-nonsense ABAP engineer, I was interested to be aware, how is an ABAPer impacted by this overhaul 7.4. In the wake of investigating the framework and going through the sap discharge reports, I have attempted to write down the progressions which ABAPers like me would be keen on.
Also, NEW and Worth Administrators are the main elements in SAP EhP7 which the ABAPer would utilize routinely.
NEW – Instance Operator
i) NEW – Initial Value for All Types
ii) NEW – Single Value for All Data Types
iii) NEW – Structures
iv) NEW – Internal Tables
v) NEW – Classes
VALUE – Value Operator
i) VALUE – Initial Value for All Types
ii) VALUE – Structures
iii) VALUE – Internal Tables
In this post, I would like to show some usage of NEW Operators for Initial Value for All Types.
* Type declaration TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_marc, matnr TYPE matnr, werks TYPE werks_d, END OF ty_marc. * Type Ref To DATA o_ref TYPE REF TO ty_marc.
* Example 1 * Instantiate the object o_ref = NEW ty_marc( ). * Usage demo SELECT SINGLE matnr werks FROM marc INTO o_ref->*. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Displaying the fields as we used to do earlier WRITE:/ o_ref->*-matnr, o_ref->*-werks. ENDIF.
Please note NEW <TYPE>( ) is the syntax to instantiate any object.
* Example 2 * Instantiate the object using # o_ref = NEW #( ). * Usage demo SELECT SINGLE matnr werks FROM marc INTO o_ref->*. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Displaying the fields as we used to do earlier WRITE:/ o_ref->*-matnr, o_ref->*-werks. ENDIF.
If it’s not too much trouble, note NEW # ( ). When “#” succeeds NEW, it implies the article ref in the Left Hand Side decides the sort.
This is a little post to make you mindful of the new linguistic structure. Both above constructor articulations have a similar capability. I will post more on NEW and Worth administrators in ensuing posts.
Uh oh!! Before I close down, are you considering the way that the result would seem to be.. .. The same old thing. Yield is same as before SAP EhP7.. No redesign in yield show..

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