How to Print Vertical Bar Code in SAP Forms?

We all know SAP is vast, and we often discover hidden gems every other day. A few days ago, I received a requirement from my client to print a barcode in the output form. Having worked with all the printing technologies in SAP (SAP Script, Smartforms, and Adobe Forms), I initially thought this task should be assigned to a beginner in SAP ABAP, not someone with over 12 years of SAP ABAP and CRM experience. However, the challenge of learning how to print vertical Bar Code in SAP Forms made me realize it could still add value to my skill set.

Never the less, it was appointed to me. At the point when I went through the prerequisite in subtleties, they had referenced in strong, the scanner tag ought to be printed Vertical. Gracious man!! I was off-base. 12 years was insufficient for me to learn all that in Structures in SAP. Most likely, the entire life time could never be adequate to swim over the SAP Sea totally. Disregard jumping profound.

At the point when I sorted out that I have never done Vertical Standardized tag, I conveyed a note to not many of my companions, in the event that they have done Vertical Scanner tag printing. To the surprise of no one, every one of my contacts gave a negative assistance. :P. Last week Sunday, we observed Companionship day. What an incongruity?

At that moment, I realized the issue was mine to solve, and I needed to find the solution on my own. With a bit of research, I was able to successfully deliver the product ahead of schedule. Along the way, I also learned how to print vertical bar code in SAP Forms, which proved to be a key element in the solution.

This is the very thing I did and how I printed the standardized tag upward.

Transaction – SE73

Choose System Bar Codes and then Change button.

Bar Code in SAP

Make Standardized tag utilizing Make button.

Vertical Bar Code

It asks for New Bar Code Technology or Conventional System Barcode. Pick one according to your prerequisite.

Initiate your Standardized identification. I begat it as ZZVBC.

Use any of the Bar Code Symbologies, this will decide the sort of Standardized tags.

Presently pick Bar Code Alignment, this is the main part as this will decide if the Standardized identification will become Vertical or Even.

Pivoted“, makes your scanner tag Vertical. This is the stunt which I needed to partake in this article.

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We at e-learning  generally express arrangements in SAP are not mind boggling. Yet, arriving at to that straightforward arrangement, for example observing that arrangement is the troublesome aspect and tedious part.

Presently pick the level and width of the Scanner tag.

On the off chance that you didn’t completely accept that my words that Turn would make Vertical Scanner tag, then, at that point, this screen would affirm it.

Save it in a few vehicle and use it any place you want it.

I have utilized in one of my structures and it looks like beneath.

It is to be sure Upward Standardized tag.

This was a basic stunt. Trust you would find it valuable when you really want it in some genuine undertaking and nobody in the group has at any point worked in Vertical Standardized tag.



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