How to Remove Coding Blocks in SAP FI – Enjoy Transactions?

Without beating around the bush, I’ll get straight to the point. For a specific business requirement, I was asked to create a custom Z field in the coding block screen using transaction OXK3. However, a few months later, this field was no longer needed for another business reason. If you needed help with adding or enhancing coding blocks, you will likely need assistance again when it comes to how to remove coding blocks in SAP FI. This article will serve as that guide for you.

Synopsis of Steps for Deleting Coding Blocks:

  1. Delete Sub screens.
  2. Suppress Coding Block Fields marked as Required Entry / Optional Entry in Field Status Group Configuration.
  3. Delete Control Entries.
  4. Delete the Customer Include CI_COBL
  5. Delete the append structure from BSEG (if SAP Basis Release less than 7.00 )
  6. Post Validation for DDIC objects and Standard Tcodes

This is the Coding Block we want to delete in this tutorial.

Let us Check all the Steps in Detail:

1. Delete Sub Screens

  • Run transaction OXK3. On the Menu-Bar, click on “Account Assignment Fields” –> “Expert Mode“.
  • Click on Environment, then Sub-screens.
  • Select the custom sub-screen and erase it
  • It ought to look like beneath

2. Suppress Fields marked as Required Entry / Optional Entry in Field Status Group Configuration

3. Delete Control Entries

  • First select the Z field to be erased. From Menu bar, click on Record Task Field, then, at that point, Erase control Sections, then, at that point, Update run.

4. Delete Customer Include CI_COBL

  • Do a ‘where-used‘ for the structure CI_COBL to note the DDIC objects affected.
  • Erase the client incorporate CI_COBL.

5. Delete the append structure from BSEG (if SAP Basis Release less than 7.00 )

You need to eliminate the incorporate CI_COBL (or comparative annex structure) from BSEG.

6. Post Validation for DDIC objects and Standard Transaction codes

  • Validate the tables are active. eg: ACCIT, BSEG, etc.
  • Validate the standard transaction codes are fine.

On executing exchanges eg: FB60, FS00, you will notice recompilation of the connected projects; as most would consider to be normal.

The Coding Block is Removed


In this tutorial, we learned how to remove coding blocks in SAP FI, specifically custom fields in the coding block, during FI transactions like FB01, FB50, FB60, FB65, MIRO, and others.




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