How to Show the ALV Output and the Selection Screen on the same Screen?

How to Show the ALV Output and the Selection Screen on the same Screen

How to Show the ALV Output and the Selection Screen on the same Screen? Typically the ALV yield is shown in another screen. Not on a similar screen where you have the choice boundaries and select choices. In any case, at times client need to see what they input in the screen and what they get yield in the ALV in a similar screen. It simply assists them with performing better, report better and break down better. This prerequisite and situation isn’t new. We have answer for it from in those days in 2008.

On the off chance that the arrangement is as of now there, why again another article?

🙂 The previous arrangement gave utilizes SALV class “CL_SALV_TABLE”. We will utilize “CL_GUI_ALV_GRID” class because of its upgraded highlights.

Expectations (How to Show the ALV Output and the Selection Screen on the same Screen)

  1. Choice Screen and ALV on A similar Screen.
  2. Add a Button on the ALV Toolbar.
  3. Handle Client Order.

For additional data on the use and working of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, you can allude to the demo programs gave by SAP the name like “BCALV_GRID* “.

Sample programs provided by SAP on the usage of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID.

Output (How to Show the ALV Output and the Selection Screen on the same Screen)

Simple Selection Screen with one Select-Options S_CARRID of type SFLIGHT-CARRID

Below is the Final Output which the Client is Expecting.

Selection screen and ALV on same screen

Let’s Design

High Level Programming Paradigm:

All in all, Pseudo Code for this necessity.

  1. Docking Holder should be made in the Introduction occasion.
  2. ALV should be made on that Docking Holder.
  3. Trade the Chose Result Table Information to ABAP Memory (this part we could do without. Yet, till we track down an improved arrangement, we should utilize it).
  4. Import information from ABAP Memory and Produce the Result.

Global Data Declarations

DATA: lo_report TYPE REF TO lcl_report. "Reference object of the local class
DATA: alv_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container, "ALV Container
      alv_grid      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,          "ALV Grid
      layout        TYPE lvc_s_layo.                      "Layout Options               
DATA gv_carrid TYPE sflight-carrid. "Variable for Select-options declaration.

Selection Screen Declarations

SELECT-OPTIONS: s_carrid FOR gv_carrid.

Local Class Definition


    DATA: gt_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sflight.
      toolbar      FOR EVENT toolbar OF cl_gui_alv_grid
        IMPORTING e_object, "To add some buttons on the ALV toolbar
      user_command FOR EVENT user_command OF cl_gui_alv_grid
        IMPORTING e_ucomm.


Local Class Implementation

  • Method: GET_DATA
  "Method Get Data
  METHOD get_data.
*   data selection
    SELECT * FROM sflight
           INTO  TABLE me->gt_data
           WHERE carrid IN s_carrid.
    IF sy-dbcnt IS INITIAL.
      MESSAGE s398(00) WITH 'No data selected'.
*   Export to memory
    EXPORT data = me->gt_data TO MEMORY ID sy-cprog.
"Method generate_output
  METHOD generate_output.
*   Local data
    DATA: variant TYPE  disvariant.
    DATA: repid   TYPE sy-repid.

*   Import output table from the memory and free afterwards
    IMPORT data = me->gt_data FROM MEMORY ID sy-cprog.
    FREE MEMORY ID sy-cprog.
*   Only if there is some data
    CHECK me->gt_data IS NOT INITIAL.

    repid = sy-repid.
    variant-report = sy-repid.
    variant-username = sy-uname.
    layout-zebra = 'X'.

    CHECK alv_container IS INITIAL.
    CREATE OBJECT alv_container
        repid     = repid
        dynnr     = sy-dynnr
        side      = alv_container->dock_at_bottom
        extension = 200.
    CREATE OBJECT alv_grid
        i_parent = alv_container.
*  ALV Specific. Data selection.
    SET HANDLER : lo_report->toolbar      FOR alv_grid.
    SET HANDLER : lo_report->user_command FOR alv_grid.
    CALL METHOD alv_grid->set_table_for_first_display
        is_layout        = layout
        is_variant       = variant
        i_save           = 'U'
        i_structure_name = 'SFLIGHT'
        it_outtab        = me->gt_data.



  • Method: TOOLBAR

In this technique, we will make one Press Button (similarly as an illustration no usefulness) for instance to save a record, on the off chance that we had made this ALV as editable.

"Method Tool-bar
  METHOD toolbar.
    DATA: lv_toolbar TYPE stb_button.

* Push Button "For Example SAVE
    CLEAR lv_toolbar.
    MOVE 'FC_SAVE' TO lv_toolbar-function. "Function Code
    lv_toolbar-icon = icon_system_save.    "Save Icon
    MOVE 'Save'(100) TO lv_toolbar-text.   "Push button Text
    MOVE 'Save'(100) TO lv_toolbar-quickinfo. "Push button Quick-Info
    MOVE space TO lv_toolbar-disabled. "Push button enabled
    APPEND lv_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
  • Method: USER_COMMAND

This strategy will be utilized to deal with every one of the orders given by the client, for instance assuming client push on the Save button we made above and so on. I have kept this segment as clear, you can add the rationale as required.

"Method User_command
  METHOD user_command.
    IF e_ucomm = ' '.

  ENDMETHOD.                    "USER_COMMAND

ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_report IMPLEMENTATION

In the event that you set the break-point at above strategy and press the Save button on the ALV, the execution will stop. Kindly check the underneath screen capture:

User Command captured when clicked on “Save” button.

Finally, the Events of the program execution

* object for the report
  CREATE OBJECT lo_report.
* generate output
  lo_report->generate_output( ).

* Get data
  lo_report->get_data( ).


In this blog entry we took in the nuts and bolts of making an ALV on the determination screen with the utilization of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID class.

On the off chance that you simply duplicate the above code scraps and glue it to your SE38 supervisor and actuate it. Very much like one of our sluggish editors. You will find the result like underneath. Indeed!! It is a functioning code. What’s more, you don’t have to configuration any screen components.

For what reason did we have to utilize ABAP Memory when all information is there in the program and we are showing them in a similar program?

At the point when the program control arrives at Introduction occasion, all memory is Invigorated and worldwide information is made FREE. After all everything ought to be instated in the Introduction occasion. That is the occupation of Introduction occasion. Thusly, we must have the ALV information some place to pull it back when we are in Instatement occasion. Presently you know why we had to take help of the ABAP Memory. 😛



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