Maths in ABAP

Maths in ABAP

Yes! Maths in ABAP. Being a Designing understudy, I’m bit leaned towards Math. A couple of months prior when I needed to compose a program to figure out indivisible numbers, I felt the need of ABAP order which can give me leftover portion (something like % in C). At long last I discovered it and here are a few gatherings of such ABAP orders. Maths in ABAP .

Tracking down the outright worth of a number: |a| – > ABS( a ).
Finding the least number more prominent than a: CEIL( a ).
Finding the best whole number under a: Story( a ).
For mathematical operands, attempt ACOS, COS, and so on
Tracking down the square base of a, a > 0: SQRT( a )
Tracking down the length of characters in the string: STRLEN( a )
Finding leftover portion a/b: a MOD b.

To eliminate characters from any string which has the two characters and numbers then there is a simple stunt.

Assume, you have a string like 12wer34op. Take a variable which is type NUMC and relegate string to this variable and you will have just numbers.

Information: v_string TYPE char10,
v_num TYPE num10.

v_string = ’12wer34op’.
v_num = v_string.

Compose: v_num.
Something to think about:
With the clue above, what might be the result v_num. If it’s not too much trouble, compose it at the remark segment before you compose the code in your framework and execute the program. It would be enjoyable. We are certain, you would be stunned with the result.

Assuming you like Maths, you might likewise want to peruse our other post, Do all ABAPers know Fixed Point Number-crunching?

We as a whole realize ABAP is exceptionally basic language and help is available just with a single tick. Still I deal with issues every so often with all the assist with introducing on the net, I feel a fast tip from a companion/partner is more useful. We can assist you with our experience. We can help and together we can learn.

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