Sales Office Data … Can you change it even if config does not allow?

Sales Office Data … Can you change it even if config does not allow?

Your business needs to change/right the Business Office information, regardless of whether it isn’t permitted in standard change mode in exchange IW32. See the screen capture, it is incapacitated. Sales Office Data Can you change it even if config does not allow?

IW32 Work Order Sales data

Would it be advisable for you truly change the deals association information, when SAP needs/permit you to do.. That is a different subject to examine in another discussion. Sales Office Data Can you change it even if config does not allow?

Business: Might you at any point make it happen?

ABAPers are magicians..  Yes we can..

Certainly you use BAPI ‘BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN’ and update the field SALES_OFF of table IT_HEADER_SRV and execute your application… Oh no you get a BAPI mistake..

“The deals association information all together xxxxxxxxxx can’t be changed”..

bapi message

Is this the stopping point? Would it be advisable for you to illuminate your business, this necessity isn’t practical, as config doesn’t permit?

Reply – No.. We can meet this prerequisite!!!

Rather than the BAPI, utilize the FM “PMSDO_SAVE_DB” and fulfill your business.

Good health!!



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