SAP Adobe Interactive Form Tutorial. Part I. First Adobe Form

Spice of this part: Many of us ABAPers may not realize that Adobe Forms can be tested independently in transaction SE37, much like Smart Forms. This tip might not be found in every SAP Adobe Interactive Form Tutorial. Part I. First Adobe Forms you come across.

So clasp your safety belts and prepare for this delightful excursion on SAP Adobe Structure with our experience Pilot, Slam Daruru.

Tutorial 1: Our First Adobe Form

Pre-requisites: Adobe life cycle designer in your system and it should be configured in the Sever as well.

Transaction code: SFP. In the previous article, we told a trick to remember this. Smart Form PDF. 

Enter the Point of interaction and Make (Point of interaction is required for Adobe structure).

Step by step SAP Adobe

What are the uses of Form Interface?

  1. In the structure interface, you determine the information that is traded with the application program (like tables, structures, workspaces).
  2. Under Worldwide Definitions, you characterize your own fields, factors and so on.
  3. The framework fields contain information with a predefined meaning (like the date).

Give the Depiction and Press on Save.

SAP Adobe Form Tutorial

Give the Bundle name and Save.

Getting started with Adobe Forms with a simple exercise

Really look at the Connection point properties. Examine the left side and the right half of the board. Check the Boundary Name which was created consequently.

Hands on SAP Adobe

Allow us to add our own custom Boundary Name. Select the Import choice under Structure Point of interaction (left side) and press the Make button (right side) to add a Bringing in Boundary IV_TEXT.

SAP Adobe Forms Online Training

For this instructional exercise, IV_TEXT is of type CHAR30 and actually look at the discretionary Banner.

Check, Save and Initiate the Structure Point of interaction.


Return or go to t-code SFP once more. This time we want to make the Structure.

Ideally, we don’t have to educate you again to Press on Make button.

SAP Adobe Form Tutorial

Give the Portrayal of the Structure and the Point of interaction name which we made before.

Step by step SAP Adobe

Enter the Bundle name and Save.

Adobe Forms

This is the main look of our Structure. Left side we have the Connection point and right side the Specific situation.

Getting started with Adobe Forms with a simple exercise

Extend the Import Boundary and Simplified the expected variable to Setting


What is the significance of the Context in Form Builder?

In the unique circumstance (otherwise called the structure setting), you determine which information is replicated from the connection point to the structure. You can likewise remember this information as a hub for a pecking order structure. In this pecking order, you can likewise conclude the structure rationale by determining conditions for handling the hubs.

The setting capability in Structure Developer is the connection that ties the point of interaction to the design. You develop the structure setting from the current connection point.

In the event that the above clarification is excessively unclear for you. Disregard it.

Essentially recollect Setting as information announcement at the Worldwide Region, might be very much like TOP Incorporate program.

To put it plainly, assuming you need your boundaries i.e inner tables, workspaces or variable and so forth to be passed from your driver program to Connect and afterward to the Structure then you want to characterize that interior table, workspaces or factors at the Setting of the Structure. Does it appear to be legit? Or on the other hand did I befuddle you more?

Anything characterized in Setting of the Structure is accessible in the Structure to be shown or controlled. Assuming you characterized a variable in the Structure Connection point yet didn’t make it in the Unique situation, then that Point of interaction variable could never be accessible in the Structure.

Basic simplified the boundaries from Connection point to the Structure Setting (as displayed in the figure underneath). All the limiting between Connection point boundaries and Structure setting would happen naturally.

On the off chance that you could do without alternate routes (simplified) or on the other hand assuming you need the setting boundary name to be not quite the same as that in Structure Connection point, then, at that point, you really want to determine the Information Field in the properties of the Setting component without help from anyone else. For instance, if you need to make a setting P_TEXT however you need to tie it with IV_TEXT, then, at that point, the Information Field ought to be IV_TEXT as displayed underneath.

Tip: Simplified from Connection point to the Unique circumstance and afterward change the name/portrayal of the Setting component. This will save your time and you don’t have to unequivocally keep up with the properties.


Allow us to actually look at the Format Tab.


Left side we have Progressive system, Tab Request, Information View and so on and Right side we have Plan, Mater and PDF Review choices.


Let us picked Information View and Simplified the Field which we need to print on the structure to Configuration view. You can put this recorded anyplace in the design. For our model, we have only one component IV_TEXT. The explanation being basic. We made only one component in the Unique circumstance. You can add several additional background information components and they would be accessible here to be passed to the design. In next posts, we will add greater intricacy to our necessity and you would have the option to perceive how we can deal with numerous components.


You can change the Inscription from IV_TEXT to required subtitle. For instance: Text. Click on the component and change the properties of the Article on the right hand side.

Check, Save and Initiate the Structure.

Stand Alone Testing of Adobe Form by using Interface:

To see yield for test reason even before your calling project or driver program is prepared, you can press F8 and again F8 and input a worth to the Connection point and really take a look at the result.


note: Ideally, at this point you have understood that like Smartform, Adobe structure additionally produces a capability module in the back end.

Execute (F8)


Press on Print review button. Check the info boundary is effectively passed from connection point to the design.


Like SAP Script and Smartform, Adobe Form also need a Driver Program. Forms have no utility if they are alone. They need a partner to be complete.  Let us take a look at the other side of the coin.

If you have worked in Smartform earlier, you would find no difference. We just need to pass the data to the Form using the Interface parameters. And debugging is also similar as Smartform.

*                     YRAM_ADOBE_FORM_PROGRAM1                           *
* Project     : SAP Adobe Forms Tutorial                               *
* Author      : Varad                                *
* Description : Driver Program to Print Adobe form                     *
REPORT yram_adobe_form_program1.

TABLES : apb_lpd_otr_keys.

**&&~~ Data Objects
DATA: gv_fm_name         TYPE rs38l_fnam,      " FM Name
      gs_fp_docparams    TYPE sfpdocparams,
      gs_fp_outputparams TYPE sfpoutputparams.

CONSTANTS : gv_form_name TYPE fpname VALUE 'YRAM_ADOBE_FORM1'.

**&&~~ Selection Screen
PARAMETERS : p_text TYPE char30.
**&&~~ Form Processing: Call Form - Open
    ie_outputparams = gs_fp_outputparams
    cancel          = 1
    usage_error     = 2
    system_error    = 3
    internal_error  = 4
    OTHERS          = 5.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  " Suitable Error Handling
**&&~~ Get the Function module name based on Form Name
    i_name     = gv_form_name
    e_funcname = gv_fm_name.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  " Suitable Error Handling
**&&~~ Take the FM name by executing the form - by using Pattern-
**&&~~ call that FM and replace the FM Name by gv_fm_name
**&&~~ Call the Generated FM
CALL FUNCTION gv_fm_name   "'/1BCDWB/SM00000176'
    /1bcdwb/docparams = gs_fp_docparams
    iv_text           = p_text
*   /1BCDWB/FORMOUTPUT       =
    usage_error       = 1
    system_error      = 2
    internal_error    = 3
    OTHERS            = 4.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
* Implement suitable error handling here
**&&~~ Form Processing: Call Form - Open
*   E_RESULT             =
*   USAGE_ERROR          = 1
*   SYSTEM_ERROR         = 2
*   INTERNAL_ERROR       = 3
*   OTHERS               = 4
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
* Implement suitable error handling here

Let us test the Output using the Driver Program:


Execute the Driver Program and picked the Print Review choice. The info field is accurately shown in the Structure Format.

How to execute Adobe Driver Program

Do you have anything to add to this article? Have you faced any issues while using Adobe Forms? Would you like to share any real project requirements or solutions? If so, please feel free to share your thoughts. For more detailed guidance, refer to our SAP Adobe Interactive Form Tutorial. Part I. First Adobe Forms. Kindly leave your comments in the section below.

Much thanks for your time!!



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