Before going for SAP PO for Beginners Part 5 – Complete Overview on Enterprise Service Repository. Understand this is the fifth post in my blog series on “SAP PO – Cycle Coordination for novices”. In this post we will see the outline on Big business Administration Storehouse (ESR). We will likewise perceive how to create and move ESR objects in view of the idea we learned.
So, underneath is the substance we will be intricate in this instructional exercise: SAP PO for Beginners Part 5 – Complete Overview on Enterprise Service Repository
- Accessing ESR
- Importing Software Component into SAP PO ESR
- Objects to be created in ESR
- Example – Build ESR components for IDOC to File Interface
- Transporting ESR objects from client to client using TPZ file
1. Accessing ESR: (SAP PO for Beginners Part 5 – Complete Overview on Enterprise Service Repository)
To get to ESR, explore to landing page http://:/dir/begin/index.jsp and click on Big business Administration Manufacturer which would open utilizing Java web start by downloading an impermanent JNLP record and tapping on it would open ESR.
Note: Introduce Java in your machine. Match JDK form of SAP PO (can be seen in Organization > Programming construct data) and java in your machine.

2. Importing Software Component into SAP PO ESR (SAP PO for Beginners Part 5 – Complete Overview on Enterprise Service Repository)
In ESR, you can see the imported programming part and its separate adaptation that you have made in SLD (which we examined in POST #3). Under this product part adaptation, you can make interface objects under namespace, which would look like beneath:

In above screenshot, you can view the component details:
1 – Software component
2 – Software component version
3 – Namespaces for each interface
4 – Imported IDOCs / RFCs can be viewed under Imported Objects
Subsequent to making Programming part in SLD, import it utilizing underneath technique:
Click on Menu Article – > New and click on IMPORT FROM SLD. Click In plain view button to see all SLDs accessible and select the one fundamental and snap on IMPORT which would make another SWC and SWCV in ESR.

3. Objects to be created in ESR:
ESR contains two tabs: Plan articles and Change records. Under Plan objects is where the product part and variants live. Change records contains the made connection points which should be enacted to be live.
Objects involved in ESR:
- Data Type:
Data type is the place where we will be creating the field required to be transmitted to receiver system.
- Message Type:
Message Type is used for encapsulating the data type. In laymen terms, it is nothing but, covering a layer for data type.
- External Definitions:
Outside definitions are the simpler method for proclaiming the sort of fields that we will use in transmission. Like, in information type we will be physically adding the field name, field type. Be that as it may, in outside definition, it will be now composed and will be given by merchant which you simply have to import in ESR and use as same as message type.
- Service Interfaces:
Administration Point of interaction comprises of transmission type, demand type.
If in the event of async interface, say the information is passed from SAP ECC to Drain PO, then, at that point, in ECC, ABAPers would have made a design that should be communicated. We want to get those subtleties and make one in PO as an information type and cover it with message type which we will import in help interface. Consequently, for async interface, you will make 2 help interfaces: One is of course Outbound with demand message type added and one is of Inbound with demand message type added (can be a similar one as outbound solicitation message type, however in the event that you are passing various fields subsequent to planning, new message type should be made and imported in inbound help interface).
In the event of sync interface, there will be 2 help interfaces, same as async, yet two contrasts are: one will be the method of transmission which will be simultaneous and other distinction is the solicitation and reaction message type import. For sync connection point, solicitation and reaction message type should be imported.

- Message Mapping:
Message planning is where we will plan both the shipper fields and collector fields. The fields which is sent by ECC will be imported in source message as a message type and fields which should be shipped off collector will be imported in target message as a message type.
- Operation Mapping:
Activity planning is the last move toward ESR, where all articles made so far gets stopped in Activity planning. The subtleties that we will import is:
Shipper Administration Connection point – SI Outbound which I displayed in picture above
Message Planning – Change of shipper information to recipient information
Recipient Administration Connection point – SI Inbound which I displayed in picture above
Assuming its coordinated (OM will naturally detect it while you import administration interface, where you will pronounce the sort of transmission), then, at that point, you should incorporate shipper message planning and another message planning for reaction that you get from target framework.
4. Example – Build ESR objects for IDOC to File Interface:
Sender – ECC (transporting IDOC)
Middleware – PO
Receiver – Third Party (File sent in form of XML)
Mode – Asynchronous

ESR Objects:
a. Import the SWC/SWCV from SLD to PO ESR.

b. Right snap on the product part adaptation and snap on NEW. Select Namespace under Workspaces segment in left sheet.

c. When made, right snap on the namespace, and click on NEW to make another information type (under interface protests) and give a substantial name and add important fields by tapping on + symbol to embed another component or hub. The Classification will be Component of course. On the off chance that you are don’t know about the sort of field, then select it as XSD:String which would oblige all sort of values. The 1:10 which is set apart against Receipt hub, is only, the receipt hub can seem multiple times in the record, yet the fields inside it very well may be accessible 1 time or ought not be accessible. After made, click on save and Actuate.

d. When information type is finished, we really want to typify it with message type. Thus, right snap on Namespace and click on NEW and select Message type (under interface objects). Import the made information type into it. Click on SAVE and enact.

e. Subsequent stage is to make Administration Point of interaction. Right snap on Namespace and click on NEW and select Help Connection point (under Connection point objects). The information you want to give is in three regions: Classification of transmission: Inbound/Outbound. Method of transmission and solicitation type.
You could have speculated, as in the past segments we examined like there will be 2 help connection points of SI-Outbound and SI – Inbound. Be that as it may, here we don’t need to make SI-Outbound as we have IDOC as the SI-Outbound. In OM, we will import the IDOC instead of SI-Outbound.

f. Subsequent stage is to make Message Planning. In Message Planning, we will choose source message and target message.
Source Message – IDOC (which will be sent from ECC)
Target Message – Message Type
Map the essential fields from IDOC to Message Type

Before selecting IDOC as source message, import the IDOC first from ECC. For importing the IDOC, you need to right click on IMPORTED OBJECTS and select IMPORT OF SAP OBJECTS.

By this way, you can import the IDOCs/RFCs into PO ESR and use it for mapping. Click on the dropdown and select the required IDOC and click on FINISH. Once imported, activate the IDOC if not done automatically.

Once import and selection of source and target message is done, you will be presented with two sections like below: 1 – Section to import, 2 – Graphical mapping
1 – is where we do the import of source and target messages
2 – is where we perform conditions or mappings for each field. In the above case, what I have done is, if SO_Ref field exists in IDOC, then map the SO Internal reference no. directly to the output field. If it doesn’t exist, then map IHREZ field to the target.
To check if value exists in field, we have EXISTS function, which can be used for this purpose.
MAP WITH DEFAULT -> It fills the field with default value if the IDOC/source message doesn’t contain any value. You can declare the default value by double clicking on it and entering the value.

There are so many functions available in graphical mapping area, where each node (Arithmetic, Boolean, Text, Date … ) contains many functions. By this way we can transform the source data and map it to the target data as requested from vendor.
If you want to test the message mapping by navigating to the TEST tab and entering the value and clicking on the transform button.
g. Final step is to create Operation Mapping. In Operation mapping, we will import the source operation and target operation. In this case, it will be IDOC as source (instead of SI-Outbound) and target operation as SI-Inbound service interface.

Operation mapping sums up the interface scenario, where the source message will be of IDOC and after that it has to pass through Message mapping conversion and transform to new structure, which is target operation.
Once all done, you will see the structure like below under your software component version.

5. Transporting ESR objects from client to client using TPZ file
Expect that ESR and ID (for ID improvement, we will see in next post) objects are finished and we really want to move it to Quality PO framework. There are 2 methods for shipping the ESR contents:
- – Export ESR contents as TPZ file
- – CTS+ Transport
The well known approach to shipping the ESR content is through TPZ document, which is a simple approach to doing.
Prior to sending out the document, ensure the product part and part adaptation are as of now imported in the objective framework, if not it would wind up in import mistake. While trading the product part itself you can incorporate all the namespaces under it which is Acceptable as far as first time send out, yet don’t bother doing it each time you send out, in light of the fact that it will again duplicate all namespaces under it.
Better to right tap on the namespace and click on Commodity.

Select “Transport utilizing Record Framework” and snap on Proceed. Select the namespaces (namespaces incorporates objects we made) which you need to product and snap on FINISH. A TPZ expansion document will be downloaded to your framework.

Click on CLIENT choice where framework would ask, where the record is available. Find the record and import it. There’s nothing more to it.

Click on CLIENT choice where framework would ask, where the record is available. Find the record and import it. There’s nothing more to it.
Just a key and two clicks for ALV consistency check