Assuming you google IDoc, you would be overwhelmed with large number of pages. Here, I have attempted to gather just those part which are essentially utilized continuously projects. You’hv got an IDoc.
Sections for this page: You’hv got an IDoc !
1. Difference between ALE and EDI ?
2. Definition and Components of IDoc.
3. IDoc types.
4. Basic steps to performed
5. Where the Idoc information is saved?
6. How to re-process the IDoc?
7. IDoc monitoring T-Codes
8. How to change the status of IDoc manually?
9. Statuses – OK/Warning/Error/Harmless?
1. What is difference between ALE and EDI ? (You’hv got an IDoc)
One SAP framework (eg ECC) to another SAP framework (eg SAP CRM/SRM/APO) = Beer (Application Connection Empowering)
SAP framework to Non-SAP framework (outside outsider framework) = EDI (Electronic Information Trade)
We have misrepresented the terms Beer and EDI which could befuddle a large number. Our companions at LinkedIn gave better clarification to Lager and EDI.
Beer isn’t just for SAP to Drain.
EDI isn’t just for SAP to non-SAP.
Kindly read the under two sections for better lucidity.
Sitakant Tripathy
2 different exchanging accomplices both with SAP occasions can in any case decide to do EDI to consent to EDIFACT and keep textures in sharing of business records across various accomplices. Totally subject to big business information appropriation and industry consistence methodology.
Gurunathan Nandhi
ALE(Application Connection Empowering) for the most part will be utilized in Application-to-Application (A2A) situations.
Target application can be SAP, Non-SAP and local applications.
Brew need NOT stick to any Worldwide Standard conventions/configuration like EDI ANSI X11/X12, EDIFACT, and CIDX… .
The traded information need NOT be Arrangement of Records either source or target frameworks.
EDI(Electronic Information Trade) by and large will be utilized in Business to Business (B2B) situations.
Colleagues: Merchants, Clients, Banks,…
The vast majority of EDI situations where information need to stick to Worldwide Standard conventions (EDI ANSI X12, EIDFACT… ).
Presumptions: The traded information can be Arrangement of Records at one or the other source or target frameworks or both.
2. Definition and Components of IDoc: You’hv got an IDoc !
An IDoc means ‘moderate record’; it is a holder for trading information between R/3, R/2 and non-SAP frameworks.
An Idoc type determines the construction of the information.
A message type determines the importance of the information.
An IDoc type should be doled out to a Message type with the goal that the information in the IDoc is handled accurately.
Note: An IDoc contains just person fields.
PORT (WE21): Port, in the outbound cycle, decide the name of the EDI subsystem program, the catalog way where the IDOC record will be made at the working framework level, the IDoc document names and the RFC destinations.RFC Objective (SM59): Used to characterize the qualities of correspondence connects to a far off framework on which a capabilities should be executed.Partner Profile (WE20): Accomplice profile determines the different parts utilized in a cycle (Accomplice number, IDoc type, message type, Port, Cycle code), the mode where it speaks with the subsystem (bunch or prompt) and the individual to be advised in the event of errors.Message Control (NACE): Utilized in estimating, account assurance, material assurance, yield assurance and so on. The message control part empowers you to typify business rules without composing ABAP programs.
3. IDoc Types:

Based on IDoc Status
01 – 49 for Outbound Process
50 – 75 for Inbound Process
Based on direction of data flow

4. Basic steps to performed:
On both sides
1. Define & Assign Logical System SALE (BD54)
2. Setup RFC destinations SM59
3. Port Destinations WE21
4. Partner Profile WE20
In Source system: In Destination System:
1. Segment Creation WE31 1. First five steps in Source system
2. Basic Idoc Type Creation WE30 6. Creating/Leverage FM SE37
3. Message Type WE81 7. Assign FM to Logical Message WE57
4. Assign Msg Type to Basic WE82 8. Define i/p method for Inbound FM BD51
5. Distribution Model BD64 9. Create Process Code WE42
6. Message control NACE (optional)
7. Programs
Note: Points to remember in Partner Profile Configuration

Trigger Quickly ought to be stayed away from.
To process the gathered (Outbound) or foundation set off IDoc (Inbound), these two clump Occupations should be booked at customary span: RSEOUT00 and RBDAPP01 separately
5. Where the Idoc information is saved?
Tables Description
EDIDC Stores the Control Record information an IDOC
EDID4 Stores the Data Records
EDIDD Data Seg (EDI Intermediate doc)
EDIDS Stores the Status of an IDOC
EDP13 Partner Profile: Outbound (technical parameters)
EDP21 Partner Profile: Inbound
6. How to re-process the IDoc?
Programs Description
RBDMANI2 Reprocess Idocs manually
RBDMANIN Posting of IDocs with Status 51
RBDMOIND Outbound Idocs status 03->12
RSEOUT00 For Processing 30 Status IDocs
RBDAPP01 For Processing 64 Status IDocs
RBDAGAIN Reprocess Incorrect Outbound IDocs
RBDAGAI2 Reprocessing of IDocs after ALE Input Error
Note: Cannot remember the programs names !!!!
Just remember one program name for Inbound Idocs i.e. RBDINPUT.. easy.. huh!!!!
RBDINPUT : A menu with the different statuses possible for inbound IDocs

7. IDoc monitoring T-Codes
Area Menu for Idocs WEDI
Area Menu for Idoc SALE
List Of All IDocs Created. (Default, Additional, EDI) WE02
Selection Program For Issuing Output WE15
Process All Selected IDocs WE14
Test Tool For Idoc Processing WE19
Select IDocs BD87
Idoc Search For Business Contents (Database) WE09
All process codes (inbound/outbound) WE64
IDoc documentation WE60
8. How to change the status of IDoc manually?
Use SAP standard program RC1_IDOC_SET_STATUS. Please use judiciously!!

9. Statuses – OK/Warning/Error/Harmless?

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Job Opening for ABAP Developer – ABAP, RAP, API
IDoc to EDI Mapping: Bridging the Gap
The services used in communication in SAP